Firefox Multi-Account Containers Redirect Service

Firefox's Multi-Account Containers functionality provides an excellent way to manage multiple accounts for various services. One of its key features is the ability to assign domains to containers, so that websites will automatically open in the assigned container. However, there is no way to assign bookmarks to containers, which makes it impossible to create multiple bookmarks pointing to a single website that each open the site in a different container (e.g. a bookmark for a personal email account and a bookmark for a work email account, where both email services use the same domain.)

To work around this limitation, the domain and its subdomains provide a redirection service, whereby a target URL can be specified as the request path and the site's 404 page will programmatically redirect to it via Javascript. The entirety of the 404 page can be seen below:

<!doctype html>
		<meta charset="utf-8">
		<meta name="robots" content="noindex">
		<script type="text/javascript">
			window.location.href = window.location.pathname.substring(1);

Ten different subdomains are provided, all of which behave identically but represent unique domains that can be assigned to different containers:

To make use of the redirection service, first assign a subdomain to a container. You can then create a container-specific bookmark for a target URL by simply prefixing the URL with the subdomain for the container that you want it to open in. Redirect URLs can be generated using the controls below:

Generated URL: None